Sunday, May 20, 2012

Early Retirement Calls For Early Planning |

Even though a person may love his job and look forward to it every day, at some point, dreams of early retirement and all of its accompanying freedoms have surely crossed the mind of many a working man, or woman. The monotony and grind which characterizes the world of work would give way to world travel, more time for family, more time for hobbies and the ability to live life however one chooses.

Winning the lottery, coming into an inheritance or some unexpected windfall can provide the avenue to make this happen. But the odds here are pretty slim and somewhat impractical. For the majority of people, the more realistic way, and frankly, the only route to achieving this is through hard work and preparation. Questions need to be asked. For example, at what age do I wish to retire and what type of retirement do I wish to enjoy.

Buying a home in an upscale location, traveling the world or purchasing a cottage by the beach, lifestyle choices determine the amount of funds which has to be set aside. In establishing monthly and annual needs, variables such increasing cost of living, inflation and health care must be factored in. The disastrous consequences of running out of money in the middle of retirement can be avoided with meticulous preparation.

Saving towards retiring can never begin too soon. Money multiplies over time and building a fund sufficient to live out the rest of life does not happen overnight. Time is an essential component and more time means more money, which translates into starting a fund at the earliest opportunity. Sticking to a budget will help keep the end, or the goal, in mind, and is a good way of keeping expenses in check and stashing away all extra money.

Where and how, an individual saves money impacts just how much is eventually saved over a specific time period. Different instruments for saving over the long haul are there for the taking; but they must be secure. Money must be invested wisely, after much reflection about just how effective an instrument is in realizing good returns.

Minimizing expense and living on less will see more expansion of the fund. Paying off debts and avoiding punitive payments such as interest penalties and late fees will also aid growth significantly. These things are big impediments to effective retirement planning and such should be kept in check, if not done away with completely.

With much of the focus on financial planning, sometimes other aspects of early retirement are overlooked. Building a life after work takes courage and good management of new found time. Otherwise, despite the very best of intentions, retiring may not live up to all that it was cut out to be. Some persons cope by still continuing to work in a limited capacity and involving themselves in activities which they enjoy.

Learn how to plan for early retirement now in our complete overview of aged care and all you need to know about assisted living in Aus.

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