Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ano-Rectal Clinic ? Ayurvedic Treatment for Ano-Rectum Diseases

The Ano-Rectal clinic deals with diseases related to the anus and rectum. The main disorders of these organs are piles, Crohns Disease, Fistula in ANO, Abscess, and Pilonidal Sinus. Ayurveda?evidently suggests the most efficient restorative?techniques and medications for these troubles leading to absolute control and strong life?devoid of any surgery or any side effects.


Ayurvedic medications are mostly herbal and without any side effects. You can also undertake unique Ayurvedic healing procedures like?Ksharasutra. This procedure is said to be one of the most dependable interventions in the world. It is also said that this method of treatment has the highest success rate devoid of any reappearance.


Arsha which is otherwise piles/hemorrhoids


According to Ayurveda Arsha is a disease which torments patient?s very important force that is prana as enemy.

People in these modern days do not have enough time to have a proper diet. This results in decreasing digestive fire that is Agni or inducing it to become abnormal or mandagni.


Mandagni does not allow the patient to digest his/her food material at appropriate speed and time. It ensues in collection or stagnancy of partially digested food substances in the shape of stool within the body. Sometimes this partially digested food may be thrown out in form of watery liquid or semisolid form. This actually troubles doshas at Ano rectal area.


To treat these diseases completely, one needs to know the root cause and try to eradicate it. Ayurveda correctly explains the physiology, pathology and treatment of these diseases. Intervention for these diseases is provided by Ayurveda at Ano-Rectal clinic.


Ayurvedic treatment for Fistula

Ano-Rectal clinic provides treatment for fistula, which is a toxic disease and takes place most normally in the rectum. This area gets filled with some kind of yellow liquid and is very painful. Ayurvedic cures for fistula are good. Quite a few methods and healing procedures are accessible in Ayurveda that get rid of the issue from its root.

Bhagandara is fistula in Ayurvedic practice and there are 3 forms of this disease. The most significant therapy in?Ayurveda?is Kshar Sutra. These calls for cutting of some tissues and hence take some time to heal.

Yet another Ayurvedic intervention for fistula is recognized as Enema. In this intervention, hot bath is provided to the patient who suffers from it. This procedure involves only the lower body parts. Some other kind of fomentation is also advocated.

Agni karma is also a kind of intervention for fistula in Ayurveda. This requires application of hot iron or caustic mediator for destructing the involved tissues.

Ayurvedic treatment for Crohns Disease


The Ayurvedic treatment for the major symptoms of Crohns disease includes medications like Kutaj-Ghan-Vati, Panchamrut-Parpati, Kutaj-Parpati, Sanjeevani-Vati, Bilva-Avaleha, Jatiphaladi-Churna, Bhallatak-Parpati, Bol-Parpati, and Bol-Baddha-Ras.


To preclude bleeding, medications like Naagkeshar, Sphatik-Bhasma Praval-Bhasma, and Laxa are used. Castor oil also is a most important substance used to treat this disease in Ayurveda. Obstinate patients who are not able to react suitably are given a unique medicine enema branded as 'Pichha-Basti. This medicine contains milk, boiled with medicinal drugs like Moch-Ras and it sure does some good to the patient.

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